• When

    7.00-8.00 pm

  • Where

    First Community at First United Church
    450 Okanagan Ave SE
    Salmon Arm, B.C.
    (Enter off 4th St)

  • Cost

    $12 per class
    $30 for 3 classes
    $40 for 4 classes
    Free for members

  • How to register

    You can register using the button below, or you can pay at the door (cash only).

    Any questions or problems please phone 604 853 3738 or email registrar@kmcfv.ca

Salmon Arm Thursdays

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Self-confidence: Creating Inner Change with Meditation

Everybody wants to change aspects of themselves. We want to be less insecure, fearful, lazy, angry, depressed etc. We want to be more confident, courageous, happy, creative and so forth. We wish for more success, more harmony in our relationships, a more fulfilling life.

But we find it difficult actually to change ourselves and to bring about the changes we long for in our life. Instead, often we feel ourselves to be stuck in unhealthy and unhappy habits.

Buddha’s teachings on the Bodhisattva’s way of life give real meaning and purpose to our life — to everyone’s life — regardless of whether they are Buddhist or not. By practicing these meditations we gain the self-confidence and skill to bring positive change into our life.

These meditation classes consist of teachings, meditations, and time for questions. They are suitable for complete beginners and those with some experience. Everyone is welcome!

September 5: Identifying with our potential

September 12: Cherishing others

September 19: Great compassion

September 26: A greater purpose


Mike Boudreau is the branch teacher in Salmon Arm and he will usually teach the Thursday classes. He lives and works in Salmon Arm. He has been a sincere and dedicated practitioner in the Kadampa Tradition of Buddhism for many years, studying, teaching, and volunteering his time at KMCFV.

He is a popular teacher who enjoys sharing his experience of meditation with others. We are very fortunate to have Mike teaching in Salmon Arm.



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KMC Fraser Valley has 3 levels of membership. Find out more here.


If you live in the Vancouver area, you’ll find classes at KMC Vancouver

If you live on Vancouver Island or surrounding islands, you’ll find classes at KMC Victoria

If you live elsewhere, please click this link for your nearest meditation Centre.