Love without Pain
“Pure unconditional love never causes any pain or worry but only peace and joy.”
Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, How to Transform Your Life
Have you ever thought that love seems to cause as much pain as happiness? Do you want to become close to people, but fear you could get hurt, or find your loving relationships less than positive? So many of us find ourselves in this situation. We want love and connection with other people, but we don’t want the pain that sometimes comes along.
It is possible to have love without pain. Buddhist wisdom guides us to understand how.
By understanding the difference between love and attachment and learning to distinguish these two in our own mind, we see how actual love is always a source of happiness, whereas the pain and sorrow in our relationships arises from our attachment. We can apply this wisdom to all of our relationships, gradually removing attachment from our minds and improving our love for others until it becomes pure.
This course is open to everyone — Buddhist and non-Buddhist, experienced meditators and those new to meditation.
Gen Kelsang Delek, the Resident Teacher of KMC Fraser Valley, is a senior Teacher in the New Kadampa Tradition. She has been a Kadampa Buddhist nun and Teacher under the guidance of her Spiritual Guide, Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, for almost 30 years and has been the Resident Teacher at Kadampa Centres in Canada, Japan and the UK.