• When

    6:30pm – 7:45pm

    January 30, February 6, 13, and 20

  • Where

    In person at The Reach Gallery Museum

    32388 Veterans Way

    and available via livestream if you are a member

  • Cost

    $60 for the course (4 classes)

    or…$16/individual classes

    FREE for members

  • Books

    These classes are an opportunity to get to know the books of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, the world-renowned meditation master who founded KMC Fraser Valley as well as hundreds of centres around the world, all part of the New Kadampa Tradition  – International Kadampa Buddhist Union.

    A selection of his books will be on sale at the class, such as How to Transform Your Life, which you can also download as a free eBook.

  • What to expect at a class

    Each class includes two meditations, practical advice from Gen Sanden, and time for questions and refreshments.

  • How to register

    Non-members are welcome to pre-register using the yellow “Pay Now” button below, or you can pay at the door.

    Members do not need to pre-register, and attendance is FREE–it is included in your membership.

Thursdays in Abbotsford

Registration and Payment

Meditation for Life

Learn practical and easy to apply methods to develop a peaceful and positive mind in the midst of your busy, modern life.

When things go wrong in our life and we encounter difficult situations, we tend to regard the situation itself as our problem, but we know from our own experience, if we respond to difficult situations with a positive and peaceful state of mind they are no longer problems for us. Problems arise when we respond to difficulties with a negative state of mind.

Meditation gives us the power to develop and maintain a peaceful state of mind no matter what. Thus we find a genuine happiness, and we experience fewer problems in our daily life.

Everyone is welcome to these practical and transformative classes 🙂

January 30: When we have a problem, what is it exactly?

February 6: Where do problems start? Getting at the root of our problems

February 13: ‘I have no problems!’ What is that like?

February 20: Paths to freedom. An inner journey


Gen Kelsang Sanden is a senior Teacher in the New Kadampa Tradition. Well loved for his compassion, sense of humour and the clarity of his teachings, he has been a Kadampa Teacher and monk for more than 20 years.


The best way to take advantage of our courses and classes.

KMC Fraser Valley has 2 levels of membership. Find out more here.


If you live in the Vancouver area, you’ll find classes at KMC Vancouver

If you live on Vancouver Island or surrounding islands, you’ll find classes at KMC Victoria

If you live elsewhere, please click this link for your nearest meditation Centre.